Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola and orphan's

The article published on USA Today by, Dennis Rosen, brings up the devastation of children becoming orphans due to the Ebola deaths.  I see how this author is reaching out to the general public to not lose focus on this matter.  Treating children insignificant will be devastating because it puts a bad mark on the world and the people in the society that it is affecting.

Rosen brings up the BBC toll for children being shunned after parents deaths due to paranoia the child is infected.  I do see how it is important to protect yourself especially if you have children of your own in the countries taking the worst hits, but i believe it is just as crucial to find ways to help decrease the orphan tolls.  

This argument is not just another plea to scare the public and freak people out.  It is simply stating its claim to not let this ostracism go too far as it too will devastate the country just as ebola is.  

It is a great surprise to me that there are articles out there against spreading panic of what is going on in Africa.  The ebola issue is a huge deal due to the death numbers doubling not to mention what it will do to our economy.  To not make it an international problem is going to cause more problems.  I find it sad to not stay deeply in tune with this matter.

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