Thursday, December 11, 2014


I agree with "The interesting blog of an interesting man" regarding gun control.  As stated on "even a study conducted at Harvard found that the more guns a nation has the less crime it tends to have."  

In this blog i agree it would be inhumane to take away our right to bare arms kinda like declawing a cat.  Jeffrey makes a great point about gun free zones having episodes of violent acts with guns.  This is a pattern and it makes sense for a terrorist or criminal to act out in a gun free zone because this assumes they are safe from retaliation. 

People will illegally get guns if their rights are taken away, generating even more crime in America. And who knows what kind of lengths Americans will take if they are threatened by their 2nd amendment being taking away from them.  This is in fact scary. 

So if citizens are negligent with cars and people get killed should we take away cars?  Cars don't hurt people, it is the people behind the wheel that are responsible.  It is the person pulling the trigger that is responsible for the gun.  

Men like Jeffrey fought for us to have the right to protect ourselves....what would that say to American soldiers if we took that right away?  It would be a huge insult and create a storm of trouble we are not prepared to face as a nation.